Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A new "normal"

It's been forever since I've posted...truth is I've been overwhelmed with my new life as a working mother! Being in business for yourself is tricky...I have a really hard time saying "no". What can I say, I'm a total people pleaser. I have to learn how to exercise my "no" muscle more often, so that I can be better for everyone...including myself.

It's hard to set a limit on your work when you take it home. My mom, wise woman that she is, gave me this advice; "Em, think of it like this, you really have two jobs. One is antiques and the other is caring for your family". You can't completely let one go for the other. My laundry pile will testify to which "job" has been getting short changed lately.

I know I'm not the only person out there who is constantly saying "yes", or "sure I can do that". When we really mean..."NO!!! I can't take on anything else!!!" My yes's have lead to people's disappointment. So I have to regroup and learn what I can and can't take on. Sometimes, it's just really hard to be a grown up.

So today, I'm putting on my big girl pants, attacking the laundry, bills, dishes and general filth that has enveloped my home. The dresser, bench and chairs that I want to paint will just have to wait until another day.

I'm getting adjusted to my new "normal". No, doing my laundry doesn't pay the bills...but every time I'm able to pull a pair of clean socks out of my drawer instead of manically searching through the load in the dryer, I can consider payment rendered.

1 comment:

  1. It helps to flash your biggest smile when delivering a non-negotiable "No," (with no explanation or excuse), at least that's what your Grandma Garen taught me. I also say, "do you want a no now while you have time to find another way, or when it's too late?" That all said, it's hard to say no, but your quality of workmanship (sanding or laundry and bills) gain every time.
