Monday, July 23, 2012

Half way there...a countdown begins

We are about at the half way point of summer vacation for my children. Let's just say that the lazy day's of summer are not in the forecast for me or my kids with my new work load. That's ok...I just find myself longing for the school year to begin, instead of dreading the start up of the grind. I'm definitely looking forward to resuming the routine and having the kids occupied and entertained.

I always feel like I'm jumping the gun on seasons and prematurely ready for a holiday months ahead of time. I guess I'm perfectly suited for retail. Actually, Brenda and I were picking our Christmas merchandise just this last week. Yep...that's my life these days, x-mas in July and wishing the first day of school was tomorrow, not a month from now. Oh well, anybody else thinking about the holiday's yet? I know there's a mom or two out there who's ready for school to start....wink, wink.

The above photo is of my her Halloween costume, as Sister Mary Fear the beard Wilson (SF Giant's fans unite!) Since I've been mentally planning my Halloween window for French Hen today...I thought this was appropriate. I think I need to buy a new pair of flip flops, get a spray tan and embrace summer while it's still here.

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