Friday, July 13, 2012

Wishes won't wash dishes

Sometimes in the antique business you come across unique finds. About a year ago I met a woman named Suzie at a flea market. Our conversation lead to an invitation to her home to see more items she had for sale.

Let's just say that pulling up to her house was a dream. Picture a beautiful farmhouse with wrap around porch, acres of landscaped country side, chickens roaming freely in the yard, old wheel barrels brimming with succulents, flowers cascading out of old buckets and cement urns, fabulous old barns...all packed with treasures. It was an inspiration to say the least.

I walked away with a truck load that day, but what I was really interested in was a collection of dishes. Suzie has a lot of great things and is a total creative spirit. In one of her barns, I discovered a HUGE stockpile of dishes. She had planned to make mosaic with the pieces and been collecting for years. Close your eyes and imagine vintage metal locker baskets packed full of every imaginable pattern of china, stuffed into shelves, on tables and under tables. Dishes in boxes, in baskets and on the ground. Dishes everywhere...all topsy turvy, dusty and dirty.

"Would you like to sell any of your dishes?" I asked..."Yes," she answered "but you have to take them all". Well, now this was something to consider. It was definitely a take the good with the bad proposition. "How much?" I asked...her price was beyond reasonable, so a tentative deal was made and I drove away expecting to be back soon.

Unforeseen circumstances made the deal hit the brakes until just a few weeks ago, when I received an email from Suzie to come and collect my loot. And so with boxes and my bestie Gen along for the ride, we headed to her fabulous property.

What did I walk away with....definitely more than I bargained for! The sheer volume of dirty dishes was a huge undertaking. It took two days and two truck loads to get them home, but I would be lying if I didn't say it was a total blast.

Gen and I set up two galvanized tubs in my yard and started to wash. It was like a treasure hunt, we didn't know what we had until the dust washed away.

What did I end up with? A little of everything...transfer ware, restaurant ware, kitchy styles, soft romantic florals, ironstone, Limoge, Wedgwood, Georgian, tea cups, plates, platters, bowls, figurines. You name it, I got it.

Gen and I would like to keep service for 30 of mixed matched florals for an outdoor farm to table style dinner. I'll be bringing pieces into both shops this month. If your in the market for something particular let me know...chances are I have it.

Thank you to my Mom and Aunt Ellie for helping me wash and sort. And a very special thank you to Gen for sharing the experience (and crap ton of work) with me. The whole endeavor was something I will never forget.


  1. What a blast. Good thing I wasn't there, as I'd want them all. Do you have a large blue and white platter that looks good? If so, send me a snapshot and a price, and if I like it/them, we'll see about getting it up here.

    1. Sorry for the late response...are you a Blue Willow kind of gal? I only had one large platter that was B & W, it has a chip though. But I'm always finding great things so I'm happy to keep my eyes out!
