Sunday, January 22, 2012

I thought it would be incredibly hard to upload a's really not.
On that note, I thought my first photo should be of my beautiful girls.

This photo of my daughters( Kate age 6 and Brooke age 8) is actually a little old. My girls are growing like weeds.

It seems like just recently my Hubby and I crossed that invisible line as parents. The line of not having "babies" anymore, now we have kids.

Kids will let you sleep in a little longer, they'll pour their own bowl of cereal. Kids have LOTS of activities, homework and friends. Kids ask the tough questions, "Mom, how do you make a baby?". Kids surprise you everyday with they're emerging personalities.

I'm most proud when my girls help me around the house. It's in these moments when we're getting ready for a family gathering, working on one of my painting projects, or even just cooking dinner, where I get to see what sort of women they will grow up to be. I think this is when I see the best reflection of myself and what I value, family, friends and creative living.

So it ends up being completely appropriate that my first blog photo is of my girls. Creatively speaking, they're the best thing I've ever made!

1 comment:

  1. Was the photo taken last summer? Delightful description of getting to know your kids and yourself. Trust Syd is enjoying them as much as you are.
