I'm sure many of you are in a flurry to get things organized and ready for the New Year. There's just something inspirational about a fresh new month, at the beginning of a fresh new year to make you want to tackle projects big and small.
The trick is to harness this energy for the greater good of your future year. Although, that perfectly organized and color sorted sock drawer that you spent two hours on feels so satisfying at the moment...I dare to ask the question, what will those organized socks do for you guys in 2016?
So on that note, I'm trying to tackle the big projects out the gate this year. The sock drawer can wait, most likely for eternity. 2016 is my year for action. After years of being a stay at home mom with a junk, painting, wedding staging hobby that "pays". I've decided to renegotiate my terms. So now, I'm a junk selling, painting, wedding stager who is also a mom and wife. Notice the title change? In print it seems subtle, but in life it feels giant!
So how am I making this "giant" leap from mom/hobbyist to profiting business owner/mom? Ummmm....I'm really not sure yet. Super inspirational I know. The reality is it took me six months, some failed ideas and a lot of family soul searching to just make the title switch. That's the thing about setting up and out on your own, sometimes the hardest part is just claiming it.
I spent the end of 2015 pulling back on EVERYTHING in an effort to find clarity and make room for a business or job that best suits not just me, but my family. More than just the anxiety of making a leap of faith in business, it's the process of convincing your husband and children to make that leap with you. I left a collective that I belonged to for almost 10 years and a budding job a Success coach at a local gym. I've sold out 90% of my stockpile of goods and now I have an almost clean slate.
Now what?
Which brings me back to my New Years clean up. Since I have this lovely clean slate I'm trying to get focused on what I'm most inspired by. So this morning I dove into my Pinterst boards with a heavy edit button finger and started clearing out all the old. An hour in I had enormously paired down my pins, but more important, I saw my new vision staring right back at me. Who knew? I even rediscovered this dusty old blog of mine.
I started this blog years ago with the half hearted intention to be a blogger, or because it was what everyone else was doing or because I was bored. All of the above probably. What it is now for me is just a way to share the process, maybe make some new connections and hopefully document my entapenueral journey this year.
As of today, I have a clear vision with no exact direction... And it's the best place I've been in quite awhile.
It's a great place to be. Keep us posted on where your new paths are taking you. You are super talented and delight to work with so I know that you will be successful. Judy of Remnants of the Past