I think I'm getting back into the swing of things. After a long internal struggle, I choose to leave Summer Cottage Antiques and just concentrate my efforts over at French Hen. I must admit, it was with a heavy heart that I did so, for many reasons, mostly though, I'll miss working with my Bestie Gen.
I felt a little out of sorts for awhile. Sometimes the right decision for your business isn't the one you wanted to make. At the end of the day, I only have two hands and so much time and I couldn't stretch myself that thin. I dearly love my friend Gen as well as the wonderful dealers at Summer Cottage, that shop will always feel like a second home to me.
All that said, I had sort of felt like I had lost the wind in my sail for a bit. In general, I HATE CHANGE!!! I have a tendency to avoid it at all costs. The price of my avoidance however, is usually more than the change would have been. Oh well, I guess none of us are without faults. So I'm slowly re navigating what my business plan is, what my hopes and goals are for the future and how to get "there". Where is "there" anyway? Wow...I sound like a hot mess, LOL. I think what I'm trying to say is, I have a lot of dreams, ideas and creativity and I'm just trying to funnel it into the channels that will best suit (and profit) me. I know I'll get "there" if I follow my heart.
The thing in business and in life, is that if it feels really comfortable....then it's time for a change. I know I'm really reaching for something new, because everything I'm doing is such a stretch from my comfort zone. I read a blog post yesterday on Miss Mustard Seed, and she encouraged her readers to put your dreams in print. Which when you go to do is INCREDIBLY SCARY!!!! I thought a lot about what I really want from my creative business and I've come up with three things I'm really dreaming of. So here they are:
Continue to grow and thrive at French Hen Antiques
( This was the easy one....already on my way here!!!)
Work directly with people to teach them "how to's".
"How to" what?? How to choose a paint type for a piece of furniture, how to stage a room, how to.... well the list goes on. Basically, I enjoy sharing my creative process and I'm always surprised by how grateful people are for tips and tricks. I'd like to find a way to combine the two.
Drum roll........This is the biggie....... I want to host my own sales.
But in my dreams they are BIG! I've been to some great events, but I feel our local marketplace is missing a certain type of Antique Show/Barn sale extraordinar that I feel like I could produce. Why this? I like people, I LOVE EVENTS, I'm a good organizer (my laundry room discluded) and I love antiques and artisans. The BIG BIG BIG dream is to be able to own the property to have these sales on.
So there it is in print...doesn't seem that scary now.