Friday, March 9, 2012

They broke the mold...

For the one reader who might not be related to me....since this blog has such a whopping following, I'll give you a little back story about my husband, Sid.
My hub and I met in high school, our junior year and we've been together ever since. Our 15 year anniversary is next month, of those years we've been married 9. There were never any "games" between us, we went on our first date and we were boyfriend/girlfriend from that point on. I think love should be easy like first at least. Kids, bills and life complicate even the strongest relationships. All that said, I definitely hit a home run first time at bat.

My husband grew up in an all boy household (asides from mom of course), in a ranching community. As a young boy and throughout his childhood, he was able to raise and care for horses, cows, chickens, name it. Tools and work were a mainstay in Sid's life. Both he and his brothers learned how to do more than most at very young ages, because that's just how life is on a "farm". I'm still surprised at my husbands capacity to know how to fix something. I've NEVER met someone with the work ethic that my husband possesses. I just think it's rare these days for anyone to be willing to work as hard as he does without complaint. It seems like the hard-working blue collar worker mold got broken at some point before my generation.
We were both 24 when we had our first daughter and my husband has never complained about the lengths he's had to go to keep me at home with our children. To be able to stay at home is a gift he has given me and the girls that will never be surpassed.
Just about anything you want him to fabricate, he can. Be it building a house, riding a horse, welding a gate, fixing an engine...anything mechanical can be taken apart and put back together, the right way. He works with such linear precision, it's really a trip to watch. I, on the other hand, am NOTHING like that. My process is always messy, I don't have a plan, most of my projects are crap shoots. "Well", I say, "hopefully this turns out OK and if not...oh well." I think that's why we work, opposites do attract.
My hub isn't perfect...he's washed the dishes ONCE, since we moved out at 19. He isn't known for romance or compliments. He told me I looked, "pretty" prom night our senior year, I'm still waiting for him to trump that one liner. I don't get the, "You're so beautiful," or "I'm sooooo in love with you." He doesn't lavish me with surprise gifts or flowers. His love is quiet and devoted. He loves me with his hard work for our family and dedication to our children. I know he's proud of the kind of woman and mother I am. Who could ask for more than that?

Sid, I'm so grateful to be your wife. Happy "early" Anniversary, I can't wait to see what the next 15 years has in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. Well said! We both got DEFINITE "keepers!" Last month we celebrated our 45th anniversary. Chet and Sierra visited North - isn't it about your turn?
