Thursday, August 2, 2012

Over 1,000!

Everyone who has started a blog, no matter what the intention is, has little milestones along the way that they would like to hit. For myself, just getting started and having the courage to put myself out there for judgment has been a leap of faith.

I don't feel like I have anything particularly earth shattering to say, I know my photography is comical...but I love the process of sitting down with something in mind to write about and sharing. I hit just over 1,000 page views the other day. I'm sure many blogs get that by the hour or even the minute. But for me, it took awhile to creep up to that point and I'm proud.

It is so easy to compare yourself to everyone else's standards for excellence or achievement. I'm doing something I enjoy, I know I get to connect to people I didn't even realize I was reaching and...? And, that's enough for me.

Please send me a comment so I know who's been checking this blog out, besides my Mom, Aunt's and sisters... he, he.


  1. Hi Em! Miranda here and I enjoy reading. Wish I had your creativity though. Maybe then Katie and I would have a decorated house.

  2. I'm a new BLog sister and I love your blog...I loved this post as well. I am now a follower too. Happy blogging!
